2024-25 Officer Team

  • Joy Wong

    Hi my name is Joy and I’m serving as your CV DECA president for the 24-25 season! This year marks my third and final year in DECA but I couldn’t be more excited to help make this year memorable for all our members. In my free time you can find me at the beach or re-watching La La land for the 11th time.

  • Josh Wong

    Hi, my name is Josh Wong and I am the VP of Leadership / Community Service Director for the 2024-25 year. I joined DECA to explore my interest in business and have fun with my friends. A fun fact about me is that I collect stuffed monkeys.

  • Braelyn Bolles

    Hi, my name is Braelyn Bolles and I am the VP of Leadership (Partnership’s Director). I joined DECA because I have an interest in pursuing marketing as a career and want to grow my business-related skills professionally. I also wanted to be a part of a community where I could build connections and network. A fun fact about me is that I have hiked over 150+ miles of the Pacific Crest Trail.

  • Ian Hsu

    Hello! My name is Ian Hsu and I am the VP of Marketing! I joined CV DECA to further my skills in business and marketing and to prepare for my future in the industry. The ability to connect with like-minded peers and to be surrounded by people who share a passion for business really intrigued me. A fun fact about me is that I love mashed potatoes!

  • Genevieve Onorad

    Hi! My name is Genevieve Onorad and I am this year's VP of Marketing. I joined DECA to gain more business and marketing knowledge and to be a part of this community! I'm excited to further my connections with this team throughout the year. A fun fact about me is I'm very sentimental and I like to collect things (like my DECA wristbands from past competitons).

  • Grace Tan

    Hi! I’m Grace and I’m the VP of Career Development for CV DECA! I joined DECA because a friend invited me and said I’d be really good at it, which ended up being somewhat true as I qualified for ICDC! A fun fact about me is that I’m really competitive (even at things I’m bad at). Outside of DECA, I like reading, hiking, playing piano, and spending time with family!

  • Nathan Le

    My name is Nathan, and I am one of the VPs of Hospitality with a focus in member experiences! I joined DECA because I wanted to find a community where I could network with others and practice all the skills that I learned in Marketing. A fun fact about me is that I can laugh like Spongebob!

  • Myla Sorel

    Hi! My name is Myla and I am your Co VP of hospitality and director of events. I joined DECA because of my interest in business and to expand my communication skills. My hope is to one day obtain a job in the field of hospitality.

  • Alex Chen

    Hi! I'm Alex Chen, this year's VP of Finance for DECA. I joined DECA for the thrill of competition, and when I'm not crunching numbers, I'm spending time with my Shiba Inu.

  • Kakeru Hirano

    My name is Kakeru and I’m the VP of Logistics. I joined Deca because I had a lot of friends who were in Deca already and I wanted to learn more about the business industry. A fun fact about me is that I was born in Japan.